Asks Babel Prosecutor's Office To Investigate Allegations Of Illegal Mining Corruption, Attorney General Alludes To Inequality Of Disclosure Of Regional And Central Cases

JAKARTA - Attorney General ST Burhanuddin asked the Bangka Belitung High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati Babel) to conduct an investigation into illegal mining operating in the area.

Burhanuddin said that if possible, from the findings in the field related to illegal mining, it could be included in a corruption case (tipikor) so that the index for handling disputes between the center and the regions was not mixed. "So that the Bangka District Attorney and his staff conduct an audit or examination of illegal mining in their jurisdiction," said Burhanuddin during a working visit to the Babel High Court, Tuesday, July 26.

Burhanuddin, who criticized the lame disclosure of corruption cases between the regional prosecutor's office and the central prosecutor's office, encouraged all his staff to seriously eradicate cases such as the fertilizer mafia, the land mafia, and the cooking oil mafia. regional income in the mining sector, in terms of civil and state administration, considering that the local Kkejari has adequate facilities and infrastructure. for personal interest purposes.

He also advised all staff to work more effectively in assisting other tasks for law enforcement. On this occasion Burhanuddin also advised the prosecutor to embrace the local media in terms of performance publication. "Anything can be used as a source of news, don't just wait and let's go perform and publish things that are products of the Kejari friends," he said.