LSI Survey: 64 Percent Of Respondents Satisfied With Jokowi's Performance

JAKARTA - The results of a survey by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) for the period of 27 June-5 July 2022 showed that 64 percent of respondents were satisfied with President Jokowi's performance.

"The majority, 64 percent, are satisfied with the performance of President Joko Widodo," said LSI Executive Director Djayadi Hanan in the survey results received in Jakarta, Sunday, July 24.

Details of the survey results, 13.5 percent of respondents feel very satisfied with the performance of the President, and 50.5 percent of respondents feel quite satisfied.

Furthermore, 27.2 respondents said they were not satisfied, 5.9 percent said they were not satisfied at all, and 2.9 percent said they did not know or did not answer.

With regard to trust in institutions, the TNI ranks at the top with 31 percent of respondents strongly trusting the TNI, 58 respondents stating that they are quite confident, 9 percent of them having little faith, 1 percent of not trusting at all, and 1 percent of not answering.

The President, the National Police, and the Attorney General's Office are ranked second, third, and fourth respectively in relation to the question of the level of public trust in the institution.

"Compared to previous findings, trust in the Prosecutor's Office and the Court tends to increase," Djayadi said as quoted by Antara.

Based on the LSI survey in May 2022, public trust in the AGO is at 64 percent, now increasing to 70 percent in the July 2022 LSI survey.

The increase was also shown in the Court institution, which was previously 60 percent, now to 65 percent in the July 2022 LSI survey.

Djayadi explained that this survey was conducted using telephone contacts to respondents using the random digit dialing (RDD) method as many as 1,206 respondents.

Respondents were selected through a random telephone number generation process, validation, and screening. The survey's margin of error is estimated at 2.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level, assuming simple random sampling.