Many Families Of Child Victims Of Obscenity In Jayapura Choose Cases To Be Resolved By Family, Local Government Must Provide Free Psychologist Assistance

JAYAPURA - Director of the LBH of the Indonesian Women's Association for Justice (APIK) Jayapura, Nur Aida Duwila, said that cases of sexual abuse and violence against children in Jayapura are now mostly resolved in a family manner.

The victim's parents prefer the family path with various considerations.

"It is true that it is very rare for cases of abuse and violence against children to reach the courts," said Nona, as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, July 24.

It was explained that on average the victim's family only called and consulted but there was no follow-up.

"Therefore, sometimes we are pro-active by calling back, but the family says that the case is handled amicably because the victim is still underage," he said.

"We can't force families to go to court because that's their right," said Miss Duwila.

According to him, the family's information revealed their reluctance to continue the case to the realm of law because they prefer to restore the psychology of the child who is the victim.

Psychological recovery is not only for children who are victims but also for minors.

Therefore, the role of the local government in this case is the child protection service, especially providing psychologists so that they can consult and provide free assistance.

"The cost of consulting with a psychologist is not cheap, so if the agency provides it, it will be very helpful," said Nona Duwila, mentioning that LBH APIK Jayapura currently only has three lawyers.