TP2GP Verifies Proposed National Hero Candidates From Central Halmahera

TERNATE - The Central Title Research and Review Team (TP2GP) verified the proposal of the National Hero Candidate (CPN) Haji Salahuddin bin Talabuddin submitted by the Central Halmahera Regency Government through the TP2GD of North Maluku Province (Malut).

"This verification will be carried out at several points in the cities of Ternate, Weda, and Patani, Central Halmahera," said CPN Salahuddin's Representative for Academic Manuscripts, Irfan Ahmad, as quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, July 24.

He stated that the verification team group led by Prof. Mukhlis Paeni consisted of TP2GP, the National Library Team and the Secretariat of the Directorate of Social Potential and Resources of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia arrived in Ternate on Saturday (23/7) yesterday.

Arriving in Ternate, the team immediately held a coordination meeting with the Provincial Government of North Maluku, TP2GD of North Maluku Province and Central Halmahera which was held at Sorasa Restaurant in Ternate.

This verification is carried out to match the data contained in the academic manuscript document with factual conditions.

"TP2GP will look at all the data that has been submitted in the academic text to see the suitability and consistency of the manuscript with the factual conditions in the field," said Irfan.

In addition to verifying data, the team will also visit places and artifacts that immortalize Salahuddin's name. The team will visit the grave of Haji Salahuddin in the Islamic graveyard complex of Salahuddin Village, the location of the prison and the place where Haji Salahuddin was executed in Ternate.

Next, the team will continue their trip to Veda and Patani to match the data with field conditions in these two places.

Central Halmahera Regent Edi Langkara assigned the Central Halmahera Research and Study Team (TP2GD) to assist the team during the verification process at several points in Ternate City, as well as in Weda and Patani.

The local government and the people of Central Halmahera responded positively to this activity and will oversee this process to the next stage.

"The government and the people of Central Halmahera fully support this activity as evidenced by the joint prayers that have been carried out by people in all corners of Central Halmahera, a few nights ago," said Regent Elang.

The government and the people of Central Halmahera also hope for the support of the entire people of North Maluku for the proposal of CPN Haji Salahuddin bin Talabuddin as a National Hero, because Haji Salahuddin is a hero for all of us.