Local Pride, KOTAK's New Work In Rhythm With Citayam Fashion Week

JAKARTA - The band KOTAK, launched their latest work entitled Local Pride on Friday, July 22. This song has a theme that coincides with current trends such as the creativity of SCBD teenagers (Sudirman, Citayam, Bojong Gede, and Depok) in Citayam Fashion Week.

The theme of locality is indeed raised in Local Pride, wanting to insinuate people who often underestimate that creativity can be started from many aspects.

"The development of the Citayam Fashion Week era has made us believe that local pride can grow far. Maximizing creativity with the items we own without having to look 'Sok Sultan'," said KOTAK vocalist Tantri in a press release.

Local Pride was created jointly by the three KOTAK personnel with lyrics prepared by the bassist, Chua. Entering the musical aspect, KOTAK guitarist Cella explained that the energy from the song KOTAK in the band's early albums stood as an inspiration in the creation of Local Pride.

Heavy rock is the identity of KOTAK's latest work before turning 18 in September.

“Here, the emphasis is on heavy rock, but the groove with the beat can still be enjoyed. Of course, it is wrapped with the nuances of contemporary synth rock energy so that KOTAK music sounds fresher even with a very fast beat,” said Cella.

This song has a duration of about 3 minutes 34 seconds and is expected to inspire listeners to express themselves in various ways without being limited by space and social class.

"Why is KOTAK being so strict about this campaign because it wants to let the public know that fashion is not just an expensive price trap. But what suits you, is comfortable with you and looks confident is fashion that makes you shine," said Tantri.

Local Pride will be one of the songs on KOTAK's 18-year EP, which is planned to be named 18+. 18+ will also be filled with Hantam which is the Original Soundtrack (OST) for the film Satria Dewa Gatot Kaca which was released some time ago.

Tantri gave a little leak about the work that will be released. "This mini album outlines how the lives of 18 year olds today from the point of view of KOTAK who is already 18 with an outline of the theme of digitization according to KOTAK," he concluded.