The Puan-Anies Baswedan Duet Discourse Appears, PDIP Is Not Tempted To Nominate Another Party

JAKARTA - Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said his party was not tempted to nominate external party figures. His party chose to carry their cadres who were prepared through the regeneration process.

This statement was made in response to the possible duet of PDIP DPP Chair Puan Maharani and DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

"So PDIP is not a party that is easily tempted to nominate another party," Hasto said at an online press conference in Jakarta, Thursday, July 21.

PDIP, continued Hasto, will carry the internal presidential candidate. Moreover, they have received a mandate from the community for two periods to lead.

"Because in the party perspective, the ideal party task is to prepare candidate leaders through the party leadership regeneration process and then to fight for the best position, namely as a presidential candidate," he said.

"As a party that has won the people's work twice, it won consecutive elections. Of course, PDIP is fighting so that PDIP cadres can occupy the best position, they are fighting for it as a presidential candidate," continued Hasto.

In addition, Hasto also touched on the ideology of the supporting base. According to him, this is also important to pay attention to in addition to performance.

"In this collaboration, we must look at aspects of the cultural ideology of the mass voter base and how to ensure people's support so that those carried by PDIP can win the upcoming presidential election," he said.

As previously reported, Investment Minister Bahlil Lahadalia assessed that the discourse of pairing DPR Speaker Puan Maharani and DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan for the 2024 Presidential Election was very good. In fact, according to him, the duo could win the presidential election in one round.

This was conveyed by Bahlil in the release of a survey of Indonesian Political Indicators entitled 'Public Evaluation of Government Performance in Economics, Politics, Law Enforcement, and Corruption Eradication' on Monday, July 11.

Initially, the discourse on the Puan-Anies duo was a question for the Executive Director of Political Indicator, Burhanuddin Muhtadi. Before Burhanuddin answered the question, Bahlil then spoke.

"It's a good pair (Puan-Anies) that can be in one round," said Bahlil.