Bantul Regency Government Excited To Hear Yogya Governor's Plan To Reorganize Depok Beach,

JAKARTA - The Bantul Regency Government, Yogyakarta, supports the plan to reorganize the Depok Beach area into a representative tourist area. They believe that the change will bring something beneficial to the district government.

"It's a breath of fresh air for Bantul because Ngarso Dalem (Governor of DIY) has the will to organize Depok Beach, whose name includes multi-sectoral arrangement in one area," said Bantul Regent Abdul Halim Muslih in Bantul, Wednesday, July 20.

In the Depok Beach area, there are four community economic activities. First, fishermen who catch fish in the sea by boat, trading activities because there is a direct sale and purchase of fresh fish at the Depok Fish Auction Place (TPI).

Then, there are activities in the form of a fish processing industry carried out by the KUB Mina Bahari Cooperative, Depok Beach, then there are tourism business services in the form of culinary and other tourism business services.

"This is a regional program, not an OPD (regional apparatus organization) both DIY and Bantul Regency, because Ngarso Dalem has already had a dawuh (order) like this, we are in a race against time how to make an integrated plan between these four sectors," he said as quoted by Antara.

To realize the arrangement of the Depok Beach tourist area is not a trivial and easy job. Cross-sectoral coordination is needed in Bantul and DIY, including business actors or coastal communities.

"So we must run 'fast' how we can produce a plan up to the DED (detail engineering design), to ensure these four sectors get space to produce optimally," he said.

The plan to restructure Depok Beach follows the high waves that occurred last Saturday, July 16. The impact is abrasion and blows several non-permanent buildings on the shoreline.

Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X visited the affected areas on Tuesday (19/7/2022).

"I want you, ladies and gentlemen, if we have an agreement to redesign how Depok is an area that has the potential for us to reorganize, we will reorganize it with facilities that I hope are better," said Sultan during a dialogue with business actors on the Depok Beach, Bantul, Tuesday. .