Case Of Corpse In Sack In Batang Revealed, Murderer Who Is Emotional Because Of Garbage Arrested

BATANG - The Batang Police, Central Java, has revealed the case of finding bodies in sacks under the Sigorek Bridge, Subah. The police arrested the suspect Casiri, 33, who was responsible for the murder.

Batang Police Chief AKBP Mochamad Irwan Susanto said Waryonah (71), a resident of Kluwih Village, Pecalungan District, died under a bridge on July 13.

"We conducted an investigation and arrested the suspect Casiri (33) at his home on July 16, 2022. It turns out that the victim and suspect are still close neighbors," he said as reported by ANTARA, July 20.

The murder case began when the victim was looking for clove leaves in the community's garden and met the suspect who reminded the victim not to throw the remaining clove leaf waste in his home garden. However, the victim answered: "So why?"

The victim's answer made the suspect angry, then hit the nape of the neck until the victim was unconscious.

"When checking the victim's pulse, it turned out that it was no longer throbbing, so the suspect immediately panicked and looked for a sack at home. However, the sack was so small that the victim's body was forced into it until the ribs were broken," he said, accompanied by Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Yorisa Prabowo.

After that, the suspect took a motorbike and dumped the victim's body under the Sigorek Bridge.

The suspect was charged with multiple articles, namely Article 338 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of 15 years in prison, then Article 351 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code with a maximum sentence of 7 years and Article 365 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code with a maximum threat of 15 years in prison.

Suspect Casiri admitted that he did not mean to kill, but only wanted to teach the victim a "lesson" not to throw the remaining cloves in his garden.

"At that time I was emotional because I had reminded him repeatedly but was ignored. It's okay to want to take cloves. However, don't litter, then the answer is annoying so I hit him," he said.