Met By Provincial Government Representatives, Workers Threaten Against Demonstration If Anies Doesn't Appeal To DKI UMP Decision

JAKARTA - Labor representatives from the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) held an audience with the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government on the sidelines of a demonstration related to the 2022 DKI provincial minimum wage (UMP).

Workers actually hope to meet DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan directly to ask Anies to appeal the decision of the Jakarta Administrative Court lowering the DKI Jakarta UMP from IDR 4.64 million to IDR 4.5 million to the Jakarta PTTUN.

However, that hope was dashed. The DKI Provincial Government who served this audience were the Secretary of the Manpower, Transmigration, and Energy (Disnakertansgi) Hedy Wijaya and the Head of Bakesbangpol Taufan Bakri. You can meet us. Maybe later there will be a meeting with the Governor directly for our support, he really supports him to appeal to the PTTUN," said Head of Jakarta KSPI Regional Representative Winarso at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 20.

In the hearing, Winarso asked the DKI Provincial Government for a certain time to determine the attitude regarding the filing of an appeal against the PTUN decision or not before the deadline for submitting an appeal on 29 July.

If Anies and his staff decide not to appeal and comply with the PTUN's decision to lower the Jakarta UMP nominal, Winarso threatens that the labor group will hold demonstrations again.

"We will try to have another dialogue with the Legal Bureau, stating whether to appeal or not. If that doesn't happen, we will come here again with our friends from the mass action," said Winarso.

Winarso explained why his party urged Anies to appeal. According to him, the PTUN decision was felt by the workers to be unfounded because the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) as the plaintiff in the UMP case did not represent any company.

"This means that only Apindo is suing. Of course this will greatly affect the economy for the workers," said Winarso.

Winarso assessed that Anies' policy of increasing wages by 5.1 percent from last year to Rp4.64 million was based on a fairly mature study. This is because Anies had previously held a dialogue with representatives of employers and workers.

"I think the Governor is also conducting dialogue or communication with the private sector or companies affected by the UMP. So, in our opinion, the figures that have been set by the Governor are very well-founded and have been through in-depth studies," he explained.