Guarding Brigadier J's Death Case, Arteria Dahlan: We Pray For It To Be Finished, Revealed As It Is

JAKARTA - Commission III of the House of Representatives continues to oversee the disclosure of the shootout case that killed Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J at the official residence of the Head of the National Police Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo.

Member of Commission III of the PDIP Faction, Arteria Dahlan, said that he would personally oversee the handling of this case until it became clear. Moreover, information mentions that many irregularities were found in the body of Brigadier J.

“This case is multidimensional and multispectral, there are still many stories that have not been told. I personally will donate myself to guard this case," said Arteria Dahlan when confirmed, Wednesday, July 20.

The National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, has temporarily disabled Inspector General Sambo from the position of Head of the National Police Propam Division so that the process runs in an objective, transparent and accountable manner.

Arteria considered that the National Police Chief's move was at the same time dismissing the issue of efforts to cover up or protect certain parties. According to him, this momentum must be used by a special team to work carefully and brilliantly.

"There is no reason not to reveal the real facts and seek the substantive truth. Because the Polri institution has opened itself up," he said.

Arteria hopes that the disclosure of this case can be resolved soon. He also appreciated the National Police Chief who in every part of the story was able to maintain the moral of the story, especially for the National Police as an institution.

"We pray that it will be finished quickly and revealed as it is," said Arteria.

Previously, Member of Commission III of the DPR, Didik Mukriyanto, believed that the special team formed by the National Police Chief would work properly and professionally in carrying out their duties and responsibilities as legal officers.

"Especially if you look at his extraordinary integrity, capacity, capability, competence and track record, ideally he will be able to reveal it transparently and thoroughly," said Didik when contacted by VOI, Monday, July 18.

The Democrat politician asked the public to continue to observe, monitor and supervise the team's work process. "We also need to be patient to give this team the opportunity to complete its task," said Didik.