OJK Volume III Officially Inaugurated, Here Are Sri Mulyani's Expectations To Mahendra Siregar Cs

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani expressed her hope regarding the new management of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) for the period of 2022-2027.

In a written statement today, the Minister of Finance stated that OJK as the regulatory and supervisory authority for the financial sector must be able to improve consumer literacy and protection, and increase the role of banks in developing MSMEs.

In addition, OJK also needs to strive for the development of digital finance with appropriate risk mitigation, increase the role of the capital market in supporting financing to build the national economy and build an insurance industry that is able to balance industrial development with consumer protection.

"OJK must be able to synergize to create a deep, efficient, active and liquid financial market through policies and synergies with all stakeholders," he said on Wednesday, July 20.

According to the Minister of Finance, in regulating and supervising the financial sector effectively, OJK is also expected to continue to strengthen integrated regulation and supervision.

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani herself is the Chair of the Selection Committee (Pansel) for the Selection of Candidates for the OJK Board of Commissioners in 2022-2027.

"Congratulations to the elected OJK Board of Commissioners and thank all parties who have helped smooth the selection process," he said.

For information, the latest OJK composition will be led by Mahendra Siregar as chairman and member with Mirza Adityaswara as vice chairman. They will be assisted by five members of the Board of Commissioners and two ex-officio members each from Bank Indonesia and the Ministry of Finance

Meanwhile, the previous OJK management for the 2017-2022 period was chaired by Wimboh Santoso. Meanwhile, the composition of the first OJK Board of Commissioners, namely 2012-2017, was led by Muliaman Darmansyah Hadad.