Prepare 'Stimulus' For Medan Residents, Bobby Nasution Intensify Booster Vaccination

MEDAN - The Medan City Government, North Sumatra, is intensifying the implementation of booster doses of COVID-19 vaccination for the local community in order to suppress the surge in cases of the corona virus.

"Our COVID-19 is indeed high and yesterday there were 25 cases per day. Therefore, we are following the requirements issued by the ministry, and we will intensify the 'booster' (booster dose vaccination, ed.) even more," said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution. BETWEEN, Monday, July 18th.

Bobby Nasution asked local residents to participate in the booster dose vaccination program through various vaccination services.

He said several activities carried out by local government agencies would also be accompanied by the implementation of booster vaccinations.

The third dose of vaccination or booster, he said, was to relieve the symptoms suffered by residents if at any time they were infected with the corona virus.

According to the Medan City COVID-19 Task Force report on Sunday (17/7), the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases reached 73,168, consisting of 72,003 recovered, 146 people were treated, and 1,019 people died.

"Medan City as of today is still (PPKM, ed.) level 1. Of course the allowed activities have categories and rules. Now what we need to follow is the health protocol for each activity," said Bobby Nasution

The Medan City Government together with Forkopimda elements launched 3Ts, namely testing, tracing, and treatment of residents who were infected with COVID-19.

"Because tracing is necessary and necessary. From where and to where have we been confirmed positive today. There are more than 100 cases of people in Medan City who have been confirmed positive for COVID-19," he explained.

The Mayor of Medan acknowledged that COVID-19 vaccinations are currently starting to decrease, not only at health facilities but also at certain points in Medan City.

"We, the local government provide stimuli so that people want a third dose of vaccine. We will discuss this later, hopefully we can provide a policy in one or two days," said Bobby.