To Build A Roundabout For A Circle Road That Is Wider Than HI Jakarta, Kendari City Government Waits For Directions From The Governor Of Southeast Sulawesi

KENDARI - The City Government (Pemkot) of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) ensured that the construction of the Inner Ringroad roundabout would still be consulted with the Governor or the Provincial Government of Southeast Sulawesi.

Kendari Mayor Sulkarnain Kadir said the roundabout would become a new landmark in Southeast Sulawesi. For this reason, development, especially in determining the design and content of the roundabout, does not involve the city government alone, but the provincial government.

"We are still consulting (the construction of the roundabout) with the Governor because this is a new landmark for the provincial capital. We cannot decide alone, but there must be a proposal from the Governor. Who knows what ideas or orders from the governor the roundabout will be built and what kind of function it will be," said Sulkarnain Kadir in Kendari, Antara, Monday, July 18.

According to Sulkarnain, the construction of the roundabout is very important because it will connect four lanes. Not only that, a roundabout was also built to get the overall appeal of the ring road line.

"This roundabout is a new landmark for the City of Kendari and the Province of Southeast Sulawesi. The area is wider than the HI roundabout. In Jakarta, the diameter of the roundabout is only 100 meters, while at the moment it is 120 meters or wider," explained the Mayor of Kendari.

Furthermore, Sulkarnain Kadir said that the progress of the ring road construction has reached 65 percent, the construction is entering the stage of line casting, the casting is deliberately applied in the construction of the road structure so that its utilization can take longer.

"So we have started (casting/concrete) workers have prepared the cast floor, hopefully in 1-2 months the casting results will start to appear," said Sulkarnain Kadir, who will end the Kendari mayoral term in October 2022.

Previously, the Head of the Kendari City PUPR Service, Erlis Setya Kencana, said that the road construction that was being carried out was expected to reduce congestion in Kendari City.

"Currently, the construction of the ring road has shown very significant progress," said Erlis Setya Kencana.

He said that until now, one by one the road points have been connected, such as the Kali Kadia road-Kendari City Hospital or ZA Sugianto road-Mokodompit road, all of which have been connected. Construction of the roundabout has also begun.

"Currently, concrete installation is being carried out at all road points such as on Jalan Mokodompit and the installation of road channels," explained Erlis.