Energy Crisis In Europe, SKK Migas Admits There Is LNG Demand From Overseas

JAKARTA - The energy crisis in European countries has an impact on domestic energy demand.

The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) reports that there is currently a demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) supplies from several European countries.

"Indeed, there is demand for LNG from several countries in Europe due to the limited gas supply from Russia. But unfortunately our gas supply to be able to deliver LNG there is currently not working for us," said Deputy for Finance and Monetization of SKK Migas, Arief Setiawan Handoko at a press conference on his achievements. and the performance of upstream oil and gas in the first semester of 2022 in Jakarta, 15 July.

For now, said Arief, SKK Migas only distributes LNG requests through companies that already have contracts with Indonesia.

He gave an example, the Total company which was sent through a Singapore company.

"We have distributed it through Total Gas & Power Asia Private Limited (TGPA Ltd.). The others, indeed, we have not been able to realize to send LNG. While waiting for Marsela, maybe," he continued.

Previously, on Monday, July 11, Russia stopped the flow of gas in the largest single pipeline that carries Russian gas to Germany for maintenance reasons.

However, European countries are concerned that the planned 10-day gas line closure may be extended due to the war in Ukraine.

The Nord Stream 1 pipeline transports 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year from Russia to Germany under the Baltic Sea. Maintenance takes place from 11 to 21 July 2022.

Operator Nord Stream AG confirmed the shutdown started as planned at 0600 CET or 11.00 WIB and gas flow would drop to zero hours later.

Last month, Russia cut 40 percent of the flow from the total pipeline capacity, citing delays in returning equipment served by Germany's Siemens Energy in Canada.