Repeating Mahfud MD's Statement This Observer Says Police Shooting Police Cases Betting On Police And Government Credibility

JAKARTA - Political observer from Indonesia Political Opinion (IPO) Ujang Komarudin said the police shooting case that killed Brigadier J at the house of the Head of the Propam Police Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo put the credibility of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo at stake.

In fact, according to Ujang, it's not only the police institution that is at stake. But also the Jokowi government if the police fail to disclose the case transparently.

"The stakes are not only the Polri institution but the Jokowi government. So if it cannot be resolved in a transparent, open and aspirational manner, it will not only be the Polri whose institutions will be destroyed but also the government," said Ujang in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Friday, July 15.

The reason, continued Ujang, was that President Jokowi had ordered the National Police to thoroughly investigate this case. Therefore, all elements must also guard cases involving high-ranking Polri officials until they become clear.

"Because this is related between the Police and the Government, so it is only natural when the president ordered it to be completed and continued by Mr. Listyo to make a teamsus," he said.

"That's why we are guarding it. This is the momentum for the improvement of the Police, if later the results are engineered, not only the Police but the government will feel the negative impact from the community," he added.

Ujang added that this case is also a momentum to improve public confidence in the Bhayangkara Corps.

"This case is a momentum to maintain public trust. That's why we encourage transparency in revealing it, sorry for this nation if it is not transparent," he concluded.

Read More Said Mahfud MD

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD asked the National Police to thoroughly investigate the case of the police shooting the police at the shelter for the Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. The credibility of the Police and the government is at stake in investigating this case.

“The credibility of the National Police and the government is at stake in this case, because in the last year or so, the Police have always received high positive ratings or perceptions from the public, according to the results of various survey institutions. The government's positive performance was significantly contributed by the fields of politics and security, as well as law enforcement. The results of the latest survey of Political Indicators that were announced yesterday, for example, said so," said Mahfud MD via his Instagram account mohmahfudmd, Wednesday, July 13.

Mahfud MD said that the step of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to form a joint investigation team was the right one. The Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs emphasized that Mahfud MD would guard it.

"This case cannot be allowed to just flow because there are many irregularities that arise from the handling process, as well as the explanation of the Police themselves which is not clear about the relationship between the cause and effect of each chain of events," said Mahfud MD.

"As the Head of Kompolnas, I have ordered the Secretary of Kompolnas, Benny J. Mamoto, to actively investigate this case in order to help the POLRI make things clear," continued Mahfud.

Currently, the progress of handling the case of police shooting the police, called Mahfud, is good.

"The progress is also good because in addition to forming a team, the National Police Chief has also announced to cooperate with Kompolnas and Komnas HAM to clearly reveal this case," he said.