Kemendikbudristek Launches Independent Entrepreneurial Program For Students

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) launched the Independent Entrepreneurship program which is part of the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) policy.

“We want our younger students to be able to build a mindset and entrepreneurial spirit. Dare to try to realize the idea of starting a business, find the best solution to solve the problems faced, and not give up easily if you experience problems or failures," said Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek), Nadiem Anwar Makarim in his remarks at the launch of the program. it was in Jakarta, Friday 15 July.

The program provides opportunities for students to hone their entrepreneurial spirit, non-technical and managerial skills as well as encourage the improvement of students' entrepreneurial experience and increase the ability of students to work which can be recognized and equalized in the form of semester credit units (SKS).

Currently, he said, Indonesia has the lowest number of entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia, which is only 3.4 percent of the total population of Indonesia. With the Wirausaha Merdeka program, it is hoped that students will not only look for jobs in the best companies, but can also become company founders and open up many job opportunities in Indonesia.

"During the program, students are expected to be able to apply the lessons they have learned at the program implementing colleges (PTPP), as well as develop business ideas that are solutive and relevant to their education," he said.

Nadiem Makarim added that Kemendikbudristek realizes the importance of mentorship and connections for students in starting a business. Therefore, this program focuses on the involvement of industry and business practitioners.

"We want our younger students who take part in this program to receive guidance from experienced people and really know how to really develop their business," said Nadiem.

The target number of students participating in the first batch of the Independent Entrepreneurial Program is 10 thousand participants. The socialization of the organizing universities as well as the trial launch of the program was carried out on May 30 and May 31, 2022, involving the Services of Higher Education Institutions (LLDIKTI) throughout Indonesia. work and dare to innovate with relevant partners, especially in terms of contributing to the wider community in terms of providing job opportunities in the local area. “Our young generation has a lot of potential to become entrepreneurs, sometimes they just lack environmental support and technical guidance, so they are often hesitant to start,” said Wachyu.

Student registration is carried out through the page by filling in the data according to the requirements, and after that students will follow the selection stage by PTP. Determination of student participants in the program will be carried out in August and program implementation will begin in the same month until November 2022.