Wings Air Serves Flights From Radin Inten II-Pondok Cabe Starting August 5, Here's The Schedule
JAKARTA - Wings Air member of Lion Air Group announced that starting August 5, 2022, it will open a new route from Pondok Cabe Airport in South Tangerang, Banten (PCB).
The flight routes to be served are Purbalingga, Blora to Lampung.
The flight route from Pondok Cabe Airport, South Tangerang, Banten to Radin Inten II Airport in Tanjung Karang, Lampung is carried out every day.
Meanwhile, flights to General Sudirman Purbalingga Airport are only once a week, namely on Fridays. Meanwhile, for the Ngloram Blora Airport route, there are only flights on Wednesdays.
Corporate Communications Strategic of Wings Air, Danang Mandala Prihantoro said the new route served by Wings Air aims to help community activities.
"So that it is easier for people, tourists and business people to travel to and from new destinations," he said via text message, Friday, July 15.
Wings Air's scheduled domestic flight (regular flight) with a daily frequency of flight, said Danang, is expected to be a new alternative to fly directly from Radin Inten II Airport to new destinations in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, and surrounding areas.
"In addition, the community also has wider opportunities by connecting to new destinations in western Central Java, Purbalingga, and East Central Java, Cepu Blora," he explained.
Furthermore, Danang said, for these flight routes, Wings Air will operate ATR 72-600 and ATR 72-500 aircraft. Aerei da Trasporto Regionale or Avions de transport regional (ATR) is a French-Italian-made aircraft company.
"ATR 72 is a technologically advanced aircraft in its class that is designed to serve short-haul flights to the sub-district level. The seating capacity of 72 economy class, configuration or layout is 2-2," he said.
Ticket price
Launching the online airline ticket ordering website,, flight tickets from Pondok Cabe Airport, South Tangerang, Banten, to Ngloram Airport, Cepu, Blora, are available starting August 5, 2022.
As for one trip, it is priced at IDR 1,863.00.
Then, flight tickets from Pondok Cabe Airport, South Tangerang, Banten, to Jenderal Sudirman Airport, Purbalingga, are available starting August 10, 2022.
For one trip, it is priced at IDR 1,266,000.
Meanwhile, on August 12, the price increased to IDR 1,417,000 for one way.
Meanwhile, on August 31, the price is the same as on August 12.
In addition, flight tickets from Pondok Cabe Airport, South Tangerang, Banten, to Radin Inten II Airport in Tanjung Karang, Lampung are available starting August 5, 2022.
As for the price of a ticket with a flight route from Pondok Cabe Airport, South Tangerang, Banten, to Radin Inten II Airport in Tanjung Karang, Lampung for a one-time trip, starting from IDR 854,000.