The National Police Chief Forms A Special Team To Investigate Police Shooting Cases, PPP Legislator Says

JAKARTA - DPR member from the PPP faction, Arsul Sani, appreciates the steps taken by the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who formed an external team to uncover the case of police shooting police at the official house of the Head of the Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo. The external team outside the National Police involved Komnas HAM and Kompolnas.

According to Arsul, this step by the National Police Chief shows that the National Police leadership is serious about investigating what actually happened in the incident.

"This also shows the openness of the Police to resolve internal problems more transparently," Arsul told reporters, Thursday, July 14.

The member of Commission III of the DPR said the external team could work in accordance with the Polri program. That way, said Arsul, the results of the external team's investigation can answer public expectations in the case of Brigadier J who was killed in a shootout with Bharada E.

According to Arsul, PPP sees the National Police Chief's move as implementing fair transparency which is the core of the Precision program launched by the Bhayangkara Corps.

"Now it's up to the team formed by the National Police Chief, whether the results of their work can meet the public's expectations, namely that the incident is revealed as it is," said the PPP Deputy.

Arsul considered that there would be no problem if Komnas HAM later formed a team to maintain independence. However, he reminded that there should be coordination with the police.

"If it means that Komnas HAM will continue to maintain its independence even though it is in the joint team, then it doesn't matter. However, if Komnas HAM then makes a team to investigate on its own without coordination with the team formed by the National Police Chief as a whole, this is what they need to coordinate with each other," concluded Arsul.

It is known, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo formed an internal and external team to investigate the case of a shootout between two police officers at the house of Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo, Head of the National Police Propam Division, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.

Sigit said that this team was formed to respond to wild news and information that developed after the shootout between Brigadier J and Bharada E which ultimately resulted in Brigadier J's death.

"There is a lot of information with wild news circulating which of course we also want to bring all of this to be handled properly," said the National Police Chief at a press conference at the National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Tuesday, July 12.

The National Police Chief explained that the internal team formed was led by the Deputy Chief of Police with the assistance of Irwasum Polri, Kabareskrim, As HR of the Police, and involved the Provost and Internal Security (Paminal).

"I have formed a special team led by Mr. Wakapolri, Mr. Irwasum, then Mr. Kabareskrim, Mr. As HR, because we really have to involve some of these elements, including the functions of the provost and Paminal," he explained.

Meanwhile, for the external team, Sigit has also contacted the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) and the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM).

"On the one hand, we have also contacted colleagues from outside, in this case Kompolnas and Komnas HAM regarding the issues that occurred," said Sigit.