Papua Police Irwasda Descends To Central Mamberamo Post-Demo: KPK Handling Corruption Cases Will Take Legal Action

JAYAPURA - The situation in Central Mamberamo, Papua, is conducive after the demonstration related to the handling of corruption cases at the KPK.

Irwasda Polda Papua Kombes Alfred Papare went directly to Central Mamberamo with a number of Polda officials.

Irwasda confirmed that he had come on the orders of the Papuan Police Chief to ensure security in Central Mamberamo.

"After hearing several aspirations regarding community complaints and community support given to the security forces, our presence is only to secure community activities back to normal and the order of the Regional Police Chief to immediately open all access to public services," said Kombes Alfred, quoted from a written statement by Public Relations of the Papua Police, Tuesday, July 12.

Irwasda ensures the safety of residents. As for the problem of impoverishment, it will be followed up.

"Regarding local officials who carried out mass gatherings and movements as well as news reports that caused all people to flee from the city of Kobakma, I would like to convey that the KPK which handles corruption cases is still ongoing and soon we will take legal action against the person concerned," he said. Comr. Alfred.

The police will certainly assist the KPK in handling corruption cases in Central Mamberamo.

"Keep calm, there should be no conflict," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, said that Irwasda's arrival was to urge the residents of Central Mamberamo to carry out normal activities.

"Irwasda who was accompanied by the PJU Polda Papua arrived in Central Mamberamo Regency and was greeted by the local community by burning stones," said Kamal.

Currently, Brimob Nusantara troops and Brimob Polda Papua are deployed to secure the area. Meanwhile, economic activity has not returned to normal because the residents chose to flee to Jayawijaya.