The F-NasDem Of The DKI DPRD Questions The Consideration Of The Depok Mayor's Proposal Regarding Greater Jakarta

JAKARTA - The NasDem Party faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD questioned the considerations on the proposal for the formation of Greater Jakarta consisting of Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang and Bogor as disclosed by the Mayor of Depok, Mohammad Idris.

"Nasdem has not heard (officially) about this Greater Jakarta. Regarding the proposal, we must first check whether the considerations of the Mayor of Depok have raised this issue," said Head of the Nasdem Faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Wibi Andrino, as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 12.

According to him, there are many variables that must be studied from the unification of the Jakarta area and the buffer zone into Greater Jakarta. This not only unites the area per kilometer, but also unites the community to the government.

"What is the form of that? How is there a government? How is the civil servant? Then what will the election be like? There are many," he said.

Therefore, there must be further research "scientific" and in detail so that the merger policy can be comprehensive.

Regarding the issue of equitable development, which was launched by the mayor of Depok as the basis for the proposal, Wibi emphasized that the variable development distribution was not only the unification of administrative areas.

But how the "political will" or local government policies in each region support the economic sector.

He gave an example of Depok, where economic growth must first be seen, including the existing problems and what Jakarta can help with.

"So far, there has been assistance. Jakarta is a 'melting pot' from an economic perspective, many Depok residents work in Jakarta," he said.

An example of residential growth when houses in Jakarta are expensive, automatically those who work in Jakarta are more comfortable looking for houses in Depok. "And so it grows, right?," he said.

In addition, the issue of unification is also highlighted in terms of an integrated and linear transportation between Jakarta and the buffer zones to reduce congestion so that costs that are wasted due to congestion can be reduced and automatically contribute to improving people's welfare.

"With these various descriptions, in fact, administratively they are not combined, but other aspects are connected," he said.

Therefore, it is better for the Mayor of Depok, he continued, to be more detailed in conveying the issue. "So what is issued is based on comprehensive data, after that we will discuss it, we are open for discussion ourselves," he said.

Previously, Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris suggested that the suburbs of Jakarta be merged into Greater Jakarta.

"My idea is that if you want the development of Jakarta and its surroundings to be successful, unite Greater Jakarta," said Mohammad Idris after reviewing the slaughtering of sacrifices on Jalan H Icang, Tugu Village, Cimanggis, Sunday (10/7).

According to Idris, the problems that exist in the buffer zones of Jakarta are easily resolved if the areas are merged. He also mentioned the role of a governor for the merging of the region.

"The flood problem, what problems can all be solved. If one governor is Greater Jakarta," he said, also confirming that Depok wanted to enter Jakarta.