KPU Holds Coordination Meeting On Recapitulation Of Voter Data Updating

JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission held a coordination meeting on the recapitulation of continuous voter data updating in the first semester of 2022 with ministries/agencies and political parties.

"The Election Law Number 7 of 2017 mandates the KPU to carry out ongoing voter list updating activities, which are then formulated by the KPU, to be carried out twice a year or per semester," said KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 12.

The continuous updating of voter lists per semester, continued Hasyim, follows the regular schedule of updating population data by the government through the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"This continuous updating of voter data is part of the mandate for implementing the Election Law. The second is also in order to synchronize and update voter data together between the KPU and the Ministry of Home Affairs," he said.

Meanwhile, KPU member Betty Epsilon Idroos explained that there are several principles for implementing continuous voter data updating in accordance with KPU regulations and Law 7/2017.

"As mentioned, it is related to comprehensive, inclusive, accurate, up-to-date, open, responsive, participatory, accountability, and finally personal data protection," he said.

The KPU, he said, continuously updates the tiered continuous voter data from districts to cities and provinces with the aim of maintaining, updating and evaluating the permanent voter lists from the general election or regional head elections, from the previous permanent voter list to the DPT for the next election.

"So voter data is dynamic data, not static. Therefore, we continue to try to update and evaluate the DPT that has been previously set," said Betty.

The aim of the next update, according to him, is to provide national-scale data and information related to voters and regions in order to obtain comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date data.

"And finally, realizing the use of voter data by using information technology and still guaranteeing data confidentiality," he said.