Commission III Asks For The Shooting Of The Head Of The Propam Division To Be The Attention Of The National Police Chief

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR, Didik Mukrianto, has asked the police chief Bharada E's shooting aide, Brigadier Nopryansah Josua Hutabarat, to be killed, to be brought to the attention of National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. Didik reminded that the development of Polri's HR is one of the most important sub-systems for the Polri institution.

"This case must be the attention of the National Police Chief. Whatever happens in this case, it opens the public's eyes that there are bad problems involving members of the National Police," said Didik, Tuesday, July 12.

"The basic point is why did such an incident occur? How is it monitored? How is it controlled? And how is it fostered? We know that HR development is one of the sub-systems of the development of Polri's strength, which is one of the most decisive parts in the overall development of the Polri," he continued.

On the other hand, Didik appreciated the Police for explaining the issues related to the shooting incident. According to him, Polri's explanation is important to stop speculation in the public regarding shooting incidents between Polri members.

"Alhamdulillah, the police have given a press statement regarding the status of the shooting case involving Brigadier J and Bharada E. At least the public has received initial information, so it doesn't cause excessive speculation," he said.

However, the Democrat politician said he was concerned about the incident. "Of course this must be a concern of the Police related to the supervision and development of members of the Police as a whole," said Didik.

Therefore, Didik asked the Police to be transparent and professional in thoroughly investigating this case. Because, he said, the shooting case between members of the National Police must be in the public spotlight. "I hope that this case is processed in a transparent, professional and accountable manner so that the standing case can be disclosed as clearly and completely as possible," he hoped.

Didik also hopes that every stage of handling the case is carried out as brightly as possible and provides public access to complete and correct information. "After all, this case involving fellow members of the National Police is of public concern. It is natural that the public has an interest in disclosing this case because one of the tasks carried out by the Police is to maintain public security and order, and to protect the community," he explained.

Didik considered that the shooting of a fellow police officer seemed to illustrate to the public how easy it is for police officers with their weapons to be used to exchange fire with each other. Moreover, he said, it happened that the locus delicti was also at the house of a member of the police. "On that basis, from the beginning the police must realize that public curiosity, logic and public question marks must be answered by handling and investigating the case as clearly and completely as possible. " he said.