The Prosecutor's Consideration Of Detaining The Defendant Of Obscene JE Turns Out To Be Because Of The Intimidation Of Witnesses And Victims Of Sexual Violence At SPI Batu

SURABAYA - Head of the East Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kajati), Mia Amiati, said that there were several reasons for the detention of defendant JE, the perpetrator of sexual violence against a dozen students at the Indonesian Good Morning School (SPI) Batu, Malang. One of them is because the founder and head of SPI intimidated nine victims and witnesses.

"This JE is trying to intimidate witnesses and victims by contacting them via WhatsApp. There are also those whose families are given material facilities, so the parents of the victims ask for the case to be withdrawn," said Mia, at the East Java High Court in Surabaya, Monday, July 11.

Mia confirmed that JE's detention was carried out starting this afternoon. This detention was carried out so that JE did not destroy the evidence in the case. "JE has not previously been detained even though there have been 19 trials. The reason is because the Malang District Court (PN) considers Julianto to be very cooperative," he said.

In addition, JE was detained because of a second request from the East Java Prosecutor's Office. Then the application was submitted directly to the Malang District Court. "After the application was received, a detention letter was issued from the Malang District Court panel of judges at 14.00 WIB today. Then JE was immediately arrested at his residence in Citraland Surabaya, and immediately detained," he said.

JE was detained by the Kejari Batu in Malang Lowokwaru Prison. He has also undergone a swab test to ensure he is safe from Covid-19. "It has been tested, and Alhamdulillah the results are negative," he said.

Julianto will be tried at the Malang District Court on 20 July. For this crime, Julianto was charged with Article 81 paragraph 2 of the Juncto Child Protection Law Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 15 years in prison.