Granted Hajj And Stay Permit, British Man Who Walked To Mecca Shares Experience With Saudi Arabian Minister

JAKARTA - An Iraqi-British man who walked thousands of kilometers to perform this year's hajj, was received by high-ranking Saudi Arabian officials and shared his experiences during his trip to the Holy Land.

Adam Mohammed, who walked more than 6,500 kilometers from his home in England and is currently on the pilgrimage with his family, met with Dr. Majid Al Qasabi, Acting Minister of Information, on Sunday.

The meeting took place at the ministry's headquarters in Mina, where Mohammed briefed the minister on the various stages of his journey, which lasted 10 months and 25 days, passing through 11 countries on different continents.

Mohammed, who is British with Iraqi blood, begins his journey in Wolverhampton, central England by then passing through the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan before reaching the kingdom's holy city of Mecca.

He thanked Dr. Al Qasabi and the Government of Saudi Arabia, for giving him permission for Hajj and for staying so far in the country.

Mohammed said he was impressed by the reaction he received after traveling such a distance on foot, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

"I am so happy to have completed my trip and I am blown away by how warmly Saudis and people from other countries have treated me," he said.

"Hajj has always been my biggest dream and I can't wait to make it come true."

Previously reported, Mohammed said he was inspired to perform the pilgrimage by walking, after waking up from sleep one day.

"I have been busy reading the Quran since the restrictions were imposed after the coronavirus pandemic. Suddenly, one day I woke up and something inside of me told me to go to Mecca on foot from my house. I couldn't ignore this voice and decided to do it," said Adam Mohammed about the beginning he did all this, citing Arab News.

It took him only two months to prepare for the arduous journey with help from British organizations and donations from his compatriots. He carried a 250-kilogram wagon to stash his personal belongings.

Many people came to help him during this journey, with some pushing trolleys and others offering food and a place to rest.

She documents and livestreams her experiences through her channels on YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, while also using her platform to spread messages of peace and equality.