MCH Bill Is An Initiative Of The DPR, Puan Maharani: The State Must Provide Nutritional Assistance For Underprivileged Mothers And Children

JAKARTA - The Draft Law on Maternal and Child Welfare (RUU KIA) has been ratified as an Initiative Bill for the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, stated that the bill would provide health insurance for mothers and children, especially those from underprivileged communities. The MCH Bill was also initiated in order to create superior human resources (HR).

“The MCH Bill aims to create a sense of security and peace for mothers and children. Through the MCH Bill, the State has the obligation to improve the quality of life of mothers and children to achieve physical and spiritual well-being," said Puan, Monday, July 11.

Puan explained that the MCH Bill does not only regulate the issue of increasing maternity leave for working mothers from 3 months to 6 months. However, this bill also stipulates a proposal for paternity leave.

“Every child has the right to live, grow and develop optimally. So through the MCH Bill, we will ensure that children get their rights, including for mothers who are pregnant to give birth and take care of children," said Puan.

According to the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, so that children can grow and develop optimally, a balanced nutritional intake and a decent standard of living are needed for their physical, mental, spiritual, and social development. This, said Puan, is also the State's obligation because children will become the nation's next generation.

"The MCH Bill regulates the obligations of the Central Government and Regional Governments (Pemda) to ensure that the intake of healthy food and balanced nutrition is met for pregnant women, mothers giving birth and breastfeeding mothers and their children," said Puan.

The chairman of the PDIP DPP explained that the MCH Bill also regulates the guarantee of services and the fulfillment of facilities, facilities and infrastructure for the welfare of mothers and children, including in terms of nutrition. Puan said that the government is also obliged to provide assistance to mothers and children who are economically difficult to obtain good nutrition.

"So far, there have been free health services and treatment from the government, one of which is through BPJS Kesehatan, but this is not enough because there is no guarantee of providing healthy food intake and balanced nutrition for pregnant, giving birth, and breastfeeding mothers and their children," said the mother of two. the child.

“We know that there are many problems of malnutrition in various parts of the country. The problem of stunting is also still a lot in Indonesia. There must be additional efforts that we need to do to fix this problem, one of which is through the MCH Bill," added Puan.

Puan emphasized that Article 27 of the MCH Bill states that the Central Government and Regional Governments are obliged to provide assistance and compensation to mothers and children who do not have the economic capacity to meet basic needs.

The assistance and compensation as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be provided in the form of healthy food and balanced nutrition, supporting basic materials, complementary foods for breast milk (ASI) and additional food. In addition, the Government is also obliged to provide free health and medical services, and/or provide children's equipment to the underprivileged.

"The provision of assistance and compensation is carried out in a measurable and targeted manner as well as incidental and/or ongoing," said Puan.

Through the MCH Bill, added Puan, the Government is obliged to formulate plans and implement policies and programs for Maternal and Child Welfare (KIA). The government must also allocate a budget for the implementation of MCH in the APBN and APBD, including the nutrition fulfillment program.

With the MCH Bill, Puan hopes that the nutritional needs of mothers and children can be more guaranteed. The MCH Bill is also expected to reduce the stunting rate which is still high in Indonesia.

“When mothers and children are prosperous, the Indonesian generation will definitely have quality. The MCH Bill is needed to welcome Indonesia's golden generation," he said.

Puan added that the MCH Bill regulates the involvement of families in the implementation of maternal and child welfare which includes the fulfillment of basic family rights, especially the basic needs of mothers and children properly. Then the establishment of child-friendly family residences, protection of mothers and children from family vulnerabilities, and support for the fulfillment of MCH.

"The ability of the family is carried out by the Central Government and Regional Government by strengthening and providing support for the development of a prosperous family," concluded Puan.