Thousands Of Dead Fish In Kali Baru Cililitan Become A Blessing For Broom Fish Sellers, One Kilogram Sold For IDR 15 Thousand

JAKARTA - The discovery of thousands of dead fish in the Kali Baru stream, Cililitan Village, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta, Monday, July 11, turned out to be a blessing in itself for the community.

The fish floating in the river are used by local residents. A number of broom-type fish floating in the water were collected one by one by the residents.

As did Supriadi, one of the broom-fish seekers who searched the area every day. Usually, Supriadi only gets a few kilograms of broom fish, and even then he has to work hard when getting the fish.

However, with this phenomenon, Supriadi was able to harvest up to 30 kilograms of broom fish. Later, the broom fish meat will be sold for Rp. 15,000 per kilogram to their customers.

"This is the condition that we harvest every year. It's not thousands anymore, but hundreds of thousands. Once a year, every Eid," Supriadi told reporters, Monday, July 11.

Supriadi concluded that the fish that floated in the river this time were due to drunken cow innards that were thrown into the river.

"This is because the fish are drunk, drunk of cow innards. Every year it is like this. On a normal day there are no drunken broomsticks like this," he said.

Supriadi said that the growth of dead fish in the river was caused by the innards of cows and goats that were in the water.

"This is because there are a lot of cow and goat innards. Cow and goat innards are in the river, incidents like this in every area must have incidents like this," he said.

Meanwhile, DKI Jakarta Environmental Service officer, Anas said, there were thousands of fish (floating dead) together with goat innards and cow innards. Never had something like this happen on Eid al-Adha.

"The impact is severe, it must smell. What is clear is that the most important thing is offal, if it is thrown into the river it smells very bad. Originally, the innards should not be thrown into the river, any animal carcasses, especially offal, should not be thrown away," he said.