Indigenous Assembly Expect The Acting Governor Major General Retired Achmad Marzuki Strengthens Aceh's Privileges

ACEH - The Aceh Customary Council (MAA) hopes that the Acting Governor of Aceh Maj. Gen. Purn Achmad Marzuki will be able to strengthen privileges in the province of the western tip of Indonesia.Chairman of the Aceh Customary Council Tgk Yusdedi said Aceh was different from other provinces in Indonesia. Aceh has privileges regulated by Law Number 44 of 1999."We hope that the Acting Governor will be able to strengthen Aceh's features. This privilege is a priority given by the government to Aceh Province," said Tgk Yusdedi in Banda Aceh, Antara, Thursday, July 7.The law regulates the implementation of privileges including the implementation of religious life, the implementation of traditional life, the implementation of education, and the role of ulama in determining regional policies."Therefore, we hope that the acting Governor of Aceh, Achmad Marzuki, who has just been inaugurated, will contribute to the preservation of customs in the midst of the rampant modernization of culture," said Tgk YusdediIn addition to strengthening privileges, Tgk Yusdedi also hopes that the Acting Governor of Aceh will build a strong foundation for the province nicknamed Serambi Mecca. The foundation is the basis for building Aceh even better.Tgk Yusdedi believes that the Acting Governor of Aceh Achmad Marzuki is able to bring the area even better. Moreover, the two-star retired general has served in Aceh as Commander of the Iskandar Muda Military Command (Pangdam IM).Thus, said Tgk Yusdedi, Acting Governor of Aceh Achmad Marzuki understands the socio-cultural and wisdom in the province, so that he can answer the problems that develop in society."Although the term of office of Acting Governor is limited, at least we hope that the figure of Achmad Marzuki will be able to bring Aceh even better. Including perfecting what the previous Governor had done," said Tgk Yusdedi.