PPP Faction: In Order To Avoid Further Irregularities, Institutions Like ACT Also Need To Be Audited

JAKARTA - Secretary of the DPR RI PPP faction Achmad Baidowi highlighted the findings of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) regarding several problems in the flow of Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) funds.

Baidowi asked law enforcement officials and the Ministry of Social Affairs to control philanthropic institutions such as ACT.

"Law enforcement officials and the Ministry of Social Affairs must investigate this (the flow of ACT funds) and in the future there must be control," Baidowi said, Thursday, July 7. institutions like ACT so that the misappropriation of funds collected from the public does not happen again. "An audit of similar institutions must be carried out so that there are no deviations in their management," said Awiek

The chairman of the PPP DPP hopes that in the future, similar problems to ACT will not be repeated. Because, said Awiek, the community had been willing to donate but the funds were not channeled properly.

Previously, the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) found a fantastic amount of money circulating at the charity Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT). In a year, the amount of money in and out reached Rp. 1 trillion.

"Regarding the incoming funds and outgoing funds from the entity (ACT) in the period studied by PPATK, the value is indeed enormous, so around Rp. 1 trillion," said PPATK Head Ivan Yustiavandana to reporters, Wednesday, July 6. It was found that the funds collected by ACT were not directly distributed. Instead, it is replayed in a certain business. "But then it is managed first in a certain business. There, of course, there is revenue and there is profit. Now, PPATK continues to do research," he said. In fact, it is alleged that the company belongs to the founder of the charity. "For example, there is one corporate entity which, within two years, made transactions with the foundation entity, ACT, for more than Rp. 30 billion. It turns out that the owner of the company is affiliated with the management of the foundation entity. (ACT)," said Ivan. Currently PPATK has temporarily frozen 60 accounts belonging to the charity Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT). Dozens of these accounts are in 33 financial service providers or banks. The suspension was carried out because the results of a temporary investigation of the flow of funds received by ACT from the public were not directly channeled as donations. Instead, it is managed on a business basis to generate profits. ACT is a humanitarian organization that collects donations to help others who are affected by disasters or calamities. However, recently there has been an issue of ACT misuse of donations. Tempo magazine reported that it was suspected that the donations were used for the personal interests of the leadership.