PPATK Finds Funds Flow To Al-Qaeda, ACT Asks For Time: Let Us Reflect For A Moment

JAKARTA - The charity Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) did not comment much on the findings of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) regarding the flow of funds leading to the Al-Qaeda terrorist group.

ACT President Ibnu Khajar just said he didn't want to answer and had a polemic about this. "I don't want to answer here first," Ibnu told reporters, Wednesday, July 6.

In addition, Ibn also mentioned that he needed time to reflect. Then, then look at the account or flow of funds referred to by PPATK leading to the terrorist group.

"We need time to see who is meant, whether we do not understand at all, rather than I misunderstood, I also have not detailed, let us reflect for a moment, look back," said Ibnu.

On the previous occasion, PPATK mentioned that there was a flow of funds from Aksi Cepat Tanggap (ACT) which led to terrorist groups. Because, found transactions with someone who is affiliated with the terrorist network Al-Qaeda.

"Based on the results of a study from the database that PPTK has, it is still suspected that the person in question (the recipient, ed) has been arrested as one of 19 people arrested by the Turkish police for being associated with Al-Qaeda," said PPATK Head Ivan Yustiavandana

However, Ivan did not specify the time of the transaction. Including, the person who made the transaction.

The reason is that PPATK is still exploring the relationship between ACT and the Al-Qaeda group.

"This is still a further study, this is indeed intended for other activities or coincidences," he said.