Ridwan Kamil Replaces The Late Eril Performs Hajj Flying To The Holy Land

JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil flew to the Holy Land to perform the hajj pilgrimage today, Monday 4 July.

Kang Emil, as he is affectionately known, has made a mockery of or replaced his son, Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz or Eril, who has been registered in the departure batch of prospective Bandung Hajj pilgrims in 2022.

"Hajj in the name of Eril," wrote Ridwan Kamil on his Twitter account, @ridwankamil, quoted Monday, July 4.

Although this pilgrimage to Mecca represented his late son, Ridwan Kamil said he remained the governor who led West Java hajj candidates to the Holy Land.

"Leading the West Java Hajj congregation, totaling 17,000 congregations," he said.

Ridwan Kamil also admitted that he visited the Baitul Ridwan Islamic Center in Cimaung, Bandung Regency, West Java on Sunday, July 3. The area is also the location of Eril's grave.

The former mayor of Bandung said he had said goodbye to visit Eril's last grave before leaving for the Holy Land today.

"At this moment, I will perform Hajj on behalf of the late Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz. Therefore, this morning I visited, said goodbye and prayed at Eril's grave," said Ridwan Kamil.

Eril was found dead on Wednesday June 8 after drifting in the Swiss River Aare since Thursday, May 26.

The 22-year-old teenager was swept away after being dragged by the current of the Aare River while swimming with his sister Camilla Laetitia Azzahra.

During the funeral procession, along the way, Eril's hearse which departed from the Pakuan Building to the Baitul Ridwan Islamic Center area was welcomed by the public.

The funeral procession took place solemnly. Ridwan Kamil's nuclear family of his wife Atalia Praratya, his second and third children, Camillia Laetitia Azzahra and Arkana Aidan Misbach, joined Eril's departure on Monday, June 13