Legal Experts Say Future Police Are Adaptive, Transparent And Responsive Police

BANYUMAS – Criminal law expert and Professor of Law at Jenderal Soedirman University, Prof. Hibnu Nugroho, gave a separate assessment of the current development of the Indonesian police. According to him, the Police's handling of legal and social problems in the community has shown quite rapid development.

“The current development of the Police should be appreciated. As a citizen and academic, I observe that the police are currently getting better,” said Prof. Hibnu during an interview, in a written statement received on Sunday, July 3.

The development of the National Police, he said, was shown in serving the needs of the community, SIM services and handling security issues quite responsively. In dealing with legal issues, the Police are considered very transparent.

“This means that when there is a legal problem, there is always a discussion or a case title. The National Police always rolls out and sorts out every problem, which can be resolved in a restorative way and which must be continued at the investigation level. This is an appreciable progress. The role of the National Police as a state institution, protective institution, protector and public servant can run well. Hopefully this will continue to develop in a more positive direction,” said the professor of law.

With this kind of progress, Hibnu hopes that the public will trust and give hope to the Police at a time when people need the presence of the police in their midst.

In handling the covid pandemic, Professor Hibnu sees the National Police as an institution that always coordinates with all lines including mass organizations and students as well as related agencies. With a limited number of personnel, the National Police is able to cooperate with all groups and be at the forefront of dealing with the pandemic.

"The role of the Police in this matter is in accordance with the nature of its main task. Police are supporting, seeing what the community needs and what must be given to the community through vaccination, monitoring and other activities. The role of the police as protectors, protectors of the community is seen in this case," he added.

Through the concept of precision, Hibnu said, currently the duties and authority of the National Police are getting bigger. The majority of problems in the community will involve the figure of the Police as a protector, protector and public servant.

“Police must always be present in the midst of society and always be present to solve the problems they face. In addition, the Police should try to bridge the barriers that exist in the community," he said.

Another task, he continued, is the demand that the National Police be able to develop people into citizens who are aware of the law and care about their own security.

"The community must be able to become police for themselves, so that the task of the National Police in the future will be lighter," said Hibnu.

Regarding the profile of the police in the future, Hibnu said that the National Police must appear as a figure who is adaptive to technological developments and problems that develop in society. Police must appear responsive and progressive in facing the times.

"Don't let there be a problem but it's too late to respond, in the end it becomes viral. This is a challenge faced by the Police, so they must always appear responsive and progressive when serving in the community," he concluded.