Countdown ASEA Para Games 2022: Rajamala Mascot Introduced To The Community

JAKARTA - Thousands of visitors to the Solo Car Free Day (SCFD) enthusiastically welcomed the 2022 ASEAN Para Games (APG XI 2022) disability multi-sport event in Solo, Central Java, from 30 July to 6 August.

Thousands of SCFD visitors thronged along Jalan Slamet Riyadi to see a series of countdown events and the introduction of the Rajamala mascot towards APG XI 2022, which was held along Jalan Slamet Riyadi Solo, Central Java, Sunday.

At the countdown socialization event and the introduction of the Rajamala mascot towards the 2022 APG, a long march was held which was attended by the Indonesia ASEAN Para Games Organizing Committee (INAPOC) or the Indonesian organizing committee, the ASEAN Para Sports Federation (APSF), the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) management, and athletes. Indonesian NPCs.

According to the Mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka as the Chair of INASPOC, the socialization of the countdown and introduction of the Rajamala mascot towards APG 2022 was enthusiastically welcomed by SCFD visitors on Jalan Slamet Riyadi Solo.

According to Gibran, the time is getting closer to 27 days and on July 26 the athletes and officials have come to Solo, and the opening ceremony at the Manahan Stadium Solo, on July 30.

"In less than 27 days, we will intensively promote the APG XI 2022, both through social media and offline media," said Gibran.

Gibran invited the residents of Solo to watch the APG XI 2022 event, both the opening event, the competition for 14 sports, and the closing for free.

"The choice of the Rajamala APG XI 2022 logo and mascot in Solo illustrates the strong culture of the City of Solo, so there is the gunungan logo and heirloom keris. While the Rajalama Mascot means to reject reinforcements. We basically show the thick Solo one," said Gibran.

Meanwhile, the President of the ASEAN Para Sports Federation (APSF) Osoth Bhavilai who was present at the APG XI 2022 socialization event appreciated and was very impressed by the people who were enthusiastic about welcoming the disability sports event in Solo City.

"This is a very good activity. I see many Solo residents come here and acknowledge the existence of this event. It is amazing to see the enthusiasm of the local residents," said Osoth who was accompanied by the Secretary-General of APSF, Wandee Tosuwan.

According to Osoth, this shows that the promotional event has been managed very well. Thank you to the Mayor of Surakarta for organizing the event from top to bottom.

"Speaking of sports promotion, every time we have a championship like this, it is very good to involve the community. Whenever and wherever, we have the opportunity to develop, build, and involve the community, this is going very well," he said.

According to him, an event like the APG will also have an economic impact, uniting the community up to the level of the ASEAN Para Games which will be held in the city of Solo. At the countdown event and the launch of the Rajamala mascot to the 2022 ASEAN Para Games in addition to the long march from the front of the Surakarta Mayor's Office. Loji Grandrung towards the front of the Novotel Hotel or about 1 Km away is also enlivened by the five reog regional arts which increase the enthusiasm of the public to watch.