Visit To NasDem, Surya Paloh Suggests MPR Leaders Invite Presidential Candidates To Convey Vision And Mission

JAKARTA - The leadership of the People's Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia paid a visit to the DPP office of the NasDem Party, in Gondangdia, Central Jakarta, Friday, July 1.

During the visit, the General Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, suggested that the MPR RI take part in the 2024 General Election, namely by inviting presidential candidates to present their vision and mission in front of the assembly members.

The MPR leaders who took part in this meeting were the Chairman of the MPR RI Bambang Soesatyo, the Deputy Chair of the MPR from the PKB faction Jazilul Fawaid, the Deputy Chair of the MPR from the PKS faction Hidayat Nur Wahid, the Deputy Chair of the MPR from the Democratic Party faction Syarief Hasan and the Deputy Chair of the MPR from the NasDem faction. Lestari Moerdijat.

Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh, revealed that in the closed meeting there was an interesting discussion related to the nation's problems. Among them are about the situation and the existence of the situation, as well as the current social portrait of society.

"And what preparations are being asked of us as political party institutions in preparing ourselves to take policy steps in the upcoming 2024 elections," said Surya Paloh at a press conference at NasDem Tower, Jakarta, Friday, July 1.

Surya continued, NasDem and the MPR agreed to make the upcoming 2024 elections more qualified. "We certainly hope that efforts to consolidate all components of society will lead to a common awareness so that the elections that we will face in 2024 will give much more value to the quality of the elections themselves," said Surya Paloh.

According to him, the common interest must be above the group interest. "Building awareness of how it means to prioritize the interests of unity among the nation's children above the interests of their respective candidates," he said.

On the same occasion, MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo said the visit was a national gathering that had been delayed during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the meeting, Bamsoet admitted that he got great ideas from Surya Paloh.

"It's awesome because of his ideas that we never thought of in the MPR, how the MPR through various steps to strengthen it, take steps to restore its dignity as the highest state institution, as mandated by the constitution before the reform, as a solution to various problems of the nation, which will arise in the future, especially about the state and the constitution," said Bamsoet.

In fact, said Bamsoet, Surya Paloh suggested that the MPR take part in the 2024 general election process. Namely, invite the 2024 presidential candidates to present their visions and missions in front of MPR members.

"We will have presidential candidates who will appear later in 2024, Bang Surya conveyed that it is good for the MPR to take part in inviting the presidential candidates to convey their vision and mission, convey national views in front of members of the MPR RI," he said.

The Golkar politician said that the MPR needed to study and consider the idea to realize the goals of the nation and state in accordance with the 1945 Constitution.

"Upon his suggestion, we will also review our Constitution so that the goals of the nation and state are in line with what was the spirit of the passion and desire of our nation's founders, that no single element of the nation should be left behind in our development of this nation in the future," said Bamsoet.