Assessed Can Reduce State Budget Budget, Commission VII DPR Supports PLN Induction Stove Program

JAKARTA - The strategy of PT PLN (Persero) to promote the use of induction stoves has the support of Commission VII of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI).

In addition to overcoming the problem of oversupply of electricity, this program is also considered to be able to reduce the burden on the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) due to LPG imports.

Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI, Sugeng Suparwoto, stated that Commission VII enthusiastically supports the electric stove program promoted by PLN, especially with the state budget savings for gas imports.

"This is the burden of the state budget that we will carry. So whatever can be done, if it is true that using electric stoves can reduce the excess burden of the state budget, it would be great," he told the media, Thursday, June 30.

According to him, the socialization carried out by PLN must be good and the information reaches the public correctly.

That way, it makes it easier for people to realize that induction cookers are cheaper and more efficient in consuming energy for cooking purposes.

President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo said to overcome the oversupply of electricity, PLN encourages the adaptation of induction cookers by the community. This is also in accordance with the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo.

Darmawan said PLN encourages the use of 15 million induction cookers for PLN customers within the next three years.

"This will increase the burden for PLN's power plants by 6.3 Gigawatt (GW). This means that this program will not only reduce energy imports, but also reduce subsidies and resolve oversupply conditions," he explained.

Having the support of Commission VII DPR RI, Darmawan hopes that in the future the socialization of this program can run smoothly.

Moreover, the conversion program to induction cookers will also form a supply chain, thereby increasing economic activity and employment, which will have an impact on economic growth.

Based on data from the Indonesian Employers' Association (APINDO), every IDR 1 trillion of domestic investment is able to absorb 1,438 workers.

With the projected investment from the conversion program of around Rp. 14 trillion, it can absorb around 20,132 workers.

To ensure the readiness of the production capacity of 5 million induction cookers in 2023, 2024 and 2025, PLN has held discussions with producers.

As a result, 6 local manufacturers have committed to produce with TKDN content that will gradually increase to 70 percent.

The production results from these local producers will later be distributed to low-income communities and micro-enterprises, in the form of 1 unit of 2-burner induction cooker and 1 set of cooking utensils in the form of a frying pan and pan.

PLN will also provide installation assistance and additional free power for induction cookers.

To ensure the aid is right on target, Darmawan added, PLN has prepared a detailed digital-based program.

Starting from data on beneficiary families (KPM), monitoring systems for energy use, location, and operational systems, to payments.

"Currently, trials are being carried out through pilot projects in Bali and Solo with a target of completion in July. Why in Bali, because the use of induction cookers is part of the energy transition which is one of the key agendas for the G20 Presidency in Indonesia," concluded Darmawan. .