Handling Student Harassment Cases In Mataram Lure Of Current Thesis, Police Will Involve Experts

MATARAM - The police will involve experts in handling cases of alleged sexual harassment of female students from a number of universities in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

"As Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code regulates the fulfillment of evidence, one of which is related to expert testimony, investigators will later ask for expert opinion to determine whether the reported incident meets the criminal elements of Article 286 of the Criminal Code or not," said Deputy Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the Regional Police. NTB AKBO Ferry Jaya Satriansyah quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 30.

The allegation of Article 286 of the Criminal Code stipulates that whoever has intercourse with a woman who is not his wife, while it is known that the woman is unconscious or incapacitated, carries a maximum sentence of 9 years in prison.

The police are currently only getting evidence from the initial examination of the victim. Feri said that there were already two female students who gave statements to the police.

"They provided information with assistance from the BKBH (Bureau of Consultation and Legal Aid (BKBH)), Faculty of Law, Unram (University of Mataram), Wednesday (29/6)," he said.

For the search for other evidence, Feri ensures that this will follow in a series of investigations, including the news that the number of victims exceeds 10 people.

"So, later we will see all of that from a series of investigations. This is just the beginning, the case was reported on Wednesday (29/6) along with the initial request for information from the victim and this took quite a long time," he said.

Regarding the report, Feri revealed that the reported initials were AF.

The reported party is not a lecturer as previously stated by BKBH Unram, the victim's companion.

Therefore, in a series of investigations into this case, his party has scheduled to ask for information from the reported party.

"We will certainly ask the reported party for information. Anyway, we will ask for information related to this case," he said.

BKBH Unram reported this case to the NTB Police after receiving complaints of 10 victims. They come from female students in the city of Mataram.

In the report, the Unram BKBH also attached the mode of the reported sexual harassment. In addition to promising to graduate from college, AF also plays the role of spiritual treatment for victims and promises that the thesis will run smoothly.

The Reported Party is said to have taken advantage of the closeness with lecturers and university staff in Mataram City to carry out this mode.

From the report, the Unram BKBH also included information that the 65-year-old reported AF was running the modus operandi of 10 female student victims in the period October 2021 to March 2022.