Invite The Experts And 'Mrs. Pika', Commission III Is Ready To Discuss Medical Marijuana This Afternoon

JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR is scheduled to hold a Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU) with Santi Warastuti, Singgih Tomi Gumilang, and Musri Musman, regarding the Legalization of Medical Marijuana on Thursday, June 30, at 14.00 WIB.

In addition to hearing information from Santi Warastuti, a mother of a child named Pika who suffers from cerebral palsy (CP), Commission III of the DPR also invited a number of experts to be asked for their opinions on the use of medical marijuana.

"Commission III will invite people who have competence to submit inputs and opinions. Not only talk about health but also about the development of technology and science. Hopefully our wishes can come true," said member of Commission III of the DPR RI Nasir Djamil, Thursday. , June 30. Nasir emphasized that realizing the aspiration of using medical marijuana cannot be done in a hurry. Based on Article 8 of Law 35/2009, it is stated that in limited quantities, class I narcotics can be used for the development of science and technology even for matters relating to the moratorium but must be approved by the relevant ministry and the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM).

“Although Article 7 of Law 35/2009 states that class I narcotics are prohibited for health services. On the one hand there is a prohibition, but on the other hand there is also an opportunity for research. Of course, this has to be researched so then we have to be careful,” explained Nasir.

Perhaps, Nasir continued, there will also be an opinion that the disease can be cured without having to use marijuana extract and so on.

"So that's why we have to be very careful so that we don't lose control in dealing with this issue," he continued.

The PKS politician reminded that the government must prepare something to reduce the risk that will have a negative impact on the life of the nation and state, especially protecting the younger generation.

With this issue, said Nasir, it is very likely that the government and DPR RI will look for alternatives in revising the Narcotics Law. Moreover, Vice President Maruf Amin has asked the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) to issue a fatwa.

"I think that it is not only MUI that is being asked to respond to this matter, but also the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) which is also expected to be able to assist the state in conducting research on medicinal cannabis plants," he explained.

Nasir hopes that all elements can respond appropriately to the opportunity to use marijuana for medical purposes. "And don't let it become a blunder for Indonesia," said Nasir.