BP2MI Will Fly To Malaysia Check News Of Dozens Of PMI Died In Detention Center

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI) has responded to reports that dozens of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) died in Malaysian detention centers.

Director of American and Pacific Placement of BP2MI Yana Anusasana Dharma Erlangga said BP2MI Head Benny Rhamdani will go to Malaysia to see the condition of PMI in Malaysia.

"The progressive steps taken by the head of our agency, Mr. Benny Rhamdani, will be there (Malaysia) in the near future. We'll just have to wait, I don't know when," said Yana Anusasana when met by the media after the National Social Security Council (DJSN) event in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday 28 June.

He said that he did not know exactly when the Head of BP2MI would go to Malaysia, but confirmed that he had received confirmation from Benny Rhamdani about the plan.

"What is clear is that last night I received news from him (Benny Rhamdani) that in the near future he will be there to see the condition of our PMI at immigration there, in the detention house," he said.

Previously, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) was also studying reports from the Sovereign Migrant Workers Coalition (KBMB) regarding dozens of Indonesian citizens who died in detention in Malaysia.

The Director of Protection for Indonesian Citizens and BHI at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Judha Nugraha, explained that his party immediately contacted the KBMB to obtain detailed data on Indonesian citizens or PMIs who were declared dead at the immigration detention center in Sabah, Malaysia.

The data will be traced and asked for an explanation from the authorities in Malaysia.

"Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia in Sabah, namely the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Kota Kinabalu and KRI Tawau will meet the Director of the Immigration Office of Sabah State today. The meeting is intended to request information and clarity on the findings of the KBMB, as an effort by the Indonesian government to protect Indonesian migrant workers or migrant workers in the Sabah region," Judha said in his written statement, Tuesday, June 28.