Couples In South Jakarta Embezzle 7 Rental Cars, The Mode Of Operation Of The Project

JAKARTA – A husband and wife couple (Pasutri) DA (42) and SJ (34) were arrested on suspicion of embezzling seven rental car units. The Head of the Pesanggrahan Sector Police, Kompol Nazirwan, said that the two perpetrators took action in the Superindo area of Bintaro, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, Monday, May 30. Meanwhile, the perpetrator was arrested on Monday, June 17, at 20.00 WIB.

"They were secured in the Ciledug area, Tangerang City," Nazirwan told reporters at the Pesanggarahan Police, Monday, June 27.

Nazirwan explained that the perpetrator's mode of action was renting a rental car belonging to YMS. To smooth the action, they handed over a daily rent, Rp. 500 thousand.

"For project operations with an agreement to pay 500 thousand per day, from 30 May 2022 to 9 June 2022," explained Nazirwan.

But after passing the specified time. The couple actually disappeared, the victim could not contact him.

"After the rental period expired, the suspects DA and SJ could no longer be contacted," he said.

Feeling cheated, the victim immediately reported to the Pesanggarahan Police to follow up on the report.

The couple was arrested in the Ciledug area, Tangerang. According to the perpetrator's confession, they had succeeded in embezzling 6 cars in a period of two months.

"After the development was carried out, six cars were seized from the perpetrators' crimes in a number of places (Bintaro, Ciledug, Bogor and Cianjur)," said Nazirwan.

"Cars are pawned at a price of Rp. 15-20 million per unit. Losses are estimated to reach Rp. 100 million," he concluded.

The two married couples were subject to Article 378 Jo 372 of the Criminal Code on Fraud and/or Embezzlement with a penalty of 4 years in prison.