Palm Oil Industry Governance Audit, Attorney General's Office And BPKP Form Joint Team: Regions Also Get Involved

JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia (AGO) together with the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) formed a Joint Team for Auditing the Governance of the Palm Oil Industry. This team will later conduct audits of many things, one of which is land.

"We are working together to conduct audits on many areas, starting with the land, but there will be many activities later. The Head of BPKP will convey what we will follow up with," said Attorney General Sianitar Burhanuddin at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office Building, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. , Monday, June 27.

For your information, the Coordination Meeting of the Joint Audit Team for Palm Oil Industry Governance was first held at BPKP, this morning. The meeting was also attended by the Head of the BPKP Representative, the Head of the High Prosecutor's Office and the State Attorney's Office throughout Indonesia.

Separately, the Head of BPKP Muhammad Yusuf Ateh explained that the formation of the Joint Audit Team was a follow-up to the MoU between BPKP and the Attorney General's Office. At the same time carrying out President Joko Widodo's directives in the last few months which instructed BPKP to oversee efforts to improve governance of the palm oil industry which was coordinated by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan.

"The implementation of the Palm Oil Industry Governance audit really requires legal expertise from the Attorney General's Office," said Ateh.

According to Ateh, the Attorney General's Office was the first to reveal the urgency of reforming the palm oil industry in Indonesia, and is currently still carrying out investigations into several actors involved in the governance of the industry, including palm oil companies.

The escort efforts carried out by BPKP and the Attorney General's Office will certainly have more added value if they are carried out collaboratively. This is because the scope of the audit on the governance of the palm oil industry will certainly involve many stakeholders.

Ateh also explained that partners (partners) for audit implementation and auditees (parties who were the object of the audit) came from central and local government agencies. "A total of 42 BPKP auditors will join and collaborate with the Attorney General's Office in producing long-term solutions and improving the governance of the palm oil industry in Indonesia," he said.

Attorney General Burhanudin said his party in handling prioritized preventive efforts to regulate governance and optimize state revenues from the palm oil industry.

"So we don't just order it, then we penalize it, we don't use repressive patterns first, but we will use the preventive measures that we put forward first," he said.