Ecuador's Government And Indigenous Leaders Talk Amid Protests

JAKARTA - The Ecuadorian government and indigenous leaders met on Saturday for the first formal talks since mass protests began two weeks ago. President Guillermo Lasso later relaxed security measures.

The demonstrations, which broke out on June 13 and were prompted by demands by indigenous groups for lower fuel and food prices, among other demands, have led to at least six civilian deaths and several attacks on security forces.

The protests have exacerbated Lasso's animosity with the national assembly, where lawmakers have rejected support for his main economic program as he struggles to combat violence he accuses of drug gangs.

The assembly on Saturday evening will meet to discuss Lasso's sacking at the request of several opposition lawmakers, although the group does not appear to have the necessary votes to approve such a measure.

Following the talks on Saturday, Lasso then ended the special circumstances in the six provinces, as requested by adat leaders.

"The government reaffirms its willingness to guarantee the creation of a space of peace," Lasso's press office said in a statement.

The government's legal representative, Fabian Pozo, told the National Assembly that the country was gradually returning to normal and the government had listened to the legitimate demands of the protesters.

This week the government also announced subsidized fertilizer assistance, debt forgiveness and increased spending on health and education, but formal talks between the government and protesters, led by the indigenous group CONAIE, have stalled for days even as confrontations at protests continue.

"We as an assembly have asked ... for tensions to be lowered, to reduce confrontation while seeking a solution," legislator Virgilio Saquicela told reporters.

CONAIE leader Leonidas Iza and several government ministers attended the talks, Saquicela added.

Iza said indigenous groups would reopen some roads blocked during protests to allow food into the capital, where residents have complained of low supplies. But he would remain in Quito until they got a satisfactory answer from Lasso.

"We will not leave the blood of our brothers and sisters here. We have come with a purpose," Iza told the demonstrators.

Security forces said they could use rubber bullets to quell the violence and the march had been infiltrated by gunmen wielding guns.

Indigenous groups demanded a halt to oil and mining projects and demonstrators entered flower plantations and oil fields, damaging some equipment facilities.

The oil industry has failed to produce 1 million barrels of crude, the energy ministry said on Saturday, with a loss of about $96 million.

The Mirador copper mine also said it had suspended operations because road closures had cut off needed supplies.