Democratic DPP Chief: Megawati Cannot Originate Millenial Accusations Related To Anarchist Demo

JAKARTA - The statement by the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Sukarnoputri, who questioned the contribution of millennials, was regretted by Didi Irawadi Syamsuddin, Chairman of the DPP Democratic Party.

According to him, it would not be right for Megawati to generalize millennials with groups of people who practice anarchism during a demonstration against the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja on Thursday, October 8.

"Megawati must not accuse millennials of the last anarchist demonstration," said Didi in a written statement to reporters, Friday, October 30.

Didi asked if the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia wanted to blame the demonstrations which led to anarchism. "But don't accuse millennials of causing the anarchist demonstration," he said.

Moreover, Didi assessed, the demonstration which ended in anarchism was certainly accompanied by the intruders. So, it is irrelevant if Megawati generalizes millennials with those who riot in this action.

"The anarchist demonstration is definitely a fabrication by the intruders who want to play in the murky water. It has nothing to do with the context of the millennials," he said.

He then asked the former chairman of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) to be careful with what he said and when judging. Because, currently there are so many millennials who have succeeded in developing their works in various fields.

In addition, this millennial will later become the new leader. So, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) should have paid attention to this group of young people.

While related to the student demonstration against the Job Creation Law, this should be appreciated as the people's good intention to convey their message and criticism of the government.

"Demonstrations are a people's right protected by law," he said.

Previously, during an online inauguration ceremony for his party, Megawati Soekarnoputri touched on the problem of demonstrations that have occurred frequently recently. He even questioned the role of the millennial generation or young people for the nation and state.

"Our young people, oh my, I said to the President, don't be spoiled, it is said that our generation is the millennial generation," said the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia.

"I want to ask, what is the contribution of the millennial generation today. What is your contribution to this nation and country? Really, just a demonstration," he added.

The 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia also mentioned a demonstration which ended in chaos on 8 October. It is known that during the action, a number of public facilities were damaged by groups of rioters who joined the student group's demonstrators.

According to him, this action is very unfortunate because the state budget spent to build a Transjakarta bus stop is not small.

"Masya Allah, take the trouble to burn the Transjakarta bus stop, it's your money! You don't want to be arrested, what do I do. I think it's really funny that the republic of Indonesia is now," he said.