Former PNRI President Director And Head Of The E-KTP Technical Team Tried At The Corruption Court

JAKARTA - Former President Director of State Printing Corporation of the Republic of Indonesia Isnu Edhi Wijaya and former Head of the Technical Team for the Procurement of the Application of National Population Identification Numbers for the 2011-2013 Fiscal Year, Husni Fahmi, underwent a trial for reading the indictment of the alleged e-KTP corruption.

The alleged corruption case of the e-KTP has cost the state finances up to Rp. 2.314 trillion.

"Defendant I Husni Fahmi as the Head of the Information Technology Technical Team for the Electronic ID Card Procurement Project for the 2011-2013 Fiscal Year and the defendant II Isnu Edhi Wijaya as the President Director of PNRI as the Chair of the PNRI Consortium as the company implementing the e-KTP procurement have arranged and directed the process of procuring goods/services. the 2011-2013 KTP-el package to win the PNRI Consortium," said Public Prosecutor (JPU) M Irmansyah, at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor), reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 23.

The act was carried out together with Andi Agustinus alias Andi Narogong, Anang Sugiana Sudihardjo as President Director of PT Quadra Solution, Irman as Director General of Population and Civil Registration of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), Sugiharto as Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Directorate of Population and Registration Civil Service Ministry of Home Affairs and Director of Population Administration Information Management (PIAK) Paulus Tannos as President Director of PT Sandipala Arthaputra, Diah Anggraeni as Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and Drajat Wisnu Setyawan as chairman of the committee for the procurement of goods/services within the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registry of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

"So that I enrich myself, namely enriching defendant I Husni Fahmi in the amount of 20 thousand US dollars or other people, namely enriching Andi Agustinus alias Andi Narogong, Setya Novanto, Irman, Sugiharto, Diah Anggraeni, Drajat Wisnu Setyawan, Wahyudin Bagenda, Johanes Marliem, PNRI and other companies that are members of the PNRI consortium that have harmed the state's finances in the amount of Rp. 2.31 trillion," added the prosecutor.

In the indictment, it was stated that Husni Fahmi was a civil servant at the Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) then was seconded at the Directorate General of Administration and Duties for technical assistance. One of the bidders for the e-KTP-picking test project is the PNRI, led by Defendant II Isnu Edhi Wijaya. During the picking test, Husni Fahmi and Isnu Edhi began to get to know each other.

At that time, the Director General of Dukcapil Irman told Isnu that PNRI should prepare to participate in the next e-KTP project tender.

In early 2010, Husni Fahmi met with Johannes Marliem (Vendor of L-1 Automatic Biometric Identification System) at the BPPT Office. Husni informed that he was preparing a budget implementation plan and large-scale implementation of the Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) for the e-KTP project as well as requesting information from Johannes Marliem regarding the plan, preparation and design of AFIS which will be implemented on a national scale.

Husni then recommended to the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding specifications for hardware, software and e-KTP forms, configurations, technical specifications and a price list compiled by Husni and the team, which Sugiharto eventually used as reference material in making the Work Plan and Conditions (RKS) and Prices. Self Estimation (HPS) for Rp. 18 thousand per ID card which has been marked up and does not pay attention to discounts on certain items.

To prepare to form a consortium, Isnu Edhi Wijaya invited Arief Safari as President Director of PT Sucofindo Persero and Wahyuddin Bagenda as President Director of PT LEN Industri Persero to join. Isnu then invited Anang Sugiana Sudiharjo as the owner of a company engaged in IT, namely PT. Quadra Solution to join in participating in the e-KTP project auction.

Furthermore, Isnu Edhi formed the Joint Management of the PNRI Consortium which decided as follows: The Board of President Director (BOD) consisting of all the main directors of the consortium members, namely Isnu Edhi Wijaya representing Perum PNRI, Arief Safari representing PT. Sucofindo, Wahyuddin Bagenda representing PT. LEN Industri, Anang Sugiana Sudihardjo representing PT. Quadra Solution and Paulus Tannos representing PT. Sandipal Arthaputra.

On June 21, 2011, the then Minister of Home Affairs, Gamawan Fauzi, determined the PNRI consortium as the winner of the auction with a bid price of Rp. 5.841 trillion.

There was also work that was not completed by the PNRI consortium as determined but still received payment in stages even though it did not meet the work target in each term.

After receiving the payment, the PNRI Consortium pays bills for the consortium members who have done a certain job as determined, with a 2-3 percent deduction in advance for the benefit of the joint management, so that the deductions collected by the joint management amounted to Rp. 137.989 billion sourced from deductions for bill payments from 5 member companies of the PNRI Consortium.

In September 2012, Husni Fahmi received 20 thousand US dollars and facilities in the form of round-trip air tickets from Jakarta to Los Angeles using Singapore Airlines in Business Class and continued from LA to Florida using domestic planes and hotel accommodations to take part in the 2012 Biometric Consortium Conference. in Florida from Johannes Marliem.

This was given for Husni Fahmi's role in determining the technical specifications of the e-KTP project so that it uses products belonging to Johannes Marliem's company.

Meanwhile, all the money paid to the PNRI consortium led by Isnu Edhi was then forwarded to the members of the PNRI Consortium, namely Perum PNRI, PT LEN Industri, PT Quadra Solution, PT Sandipala Artha Putra, PT Sucofindo, PT Mega Lestari Unggul and subsequently received by Husni Fahmi, Andi Agustinus alias Andi Narogong, Johannes Marliem, Anang Sugiana, Wahyuddin Bagenda, Setya Novanto, Irman, Sugiharto, Diah Anggraeni, Drajat Wisnu Setyawan who came from state finances, namely sourced from the difference in the expensive price as stated in the contract with the actual price in the implementation project e-KTP.

This resulted in the amount of money paid to the PNRI consortium more expensive than the fair price or the real price. The fair price or the real price for the implementation of the e-KTP application project based on the report on the audit results of the Development and Finance Supervisory Agency is Rp.2.626 trillion.

"That the series of actions of Defendant I Husni Fahmi and Defendant II Isnu Edhi Wijaya together above have enriched Defendant I Husni Fahmi in the amount of 20 thousand US dollars and enriched corporations, namely Perum PNRI in the amount of Rp. 107.71 billion and other PNRI consortium member companies," said the prosecutor.

For their actions, Husni Fahmi and Isnu Edhi Wijaya were charged with Article 2 paragraph 1 or Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.