Mitsubishi L300 Hits Toyota Avanza At Ciputat Flyover, Adds Traffic

TANGSEL - There was a traffic accident with a Mitsubishi L300 pickup with a Toyota Avanza. The accident, which occurred on Wednesday, June 22, at 06.00 WIB, caused a traffic jam on Jalan Raya Dewi Sartika after the Ciputat flyover, South Tangerang.

Head of Laka Traffic Police for South Tangerang, Iptu Nanda, said the incident began when the driver of the pickup car, driven by D, was traveling from Lebak Bulus to Parung, Bogor. After getting off the Ciputat flyover, the driver lacked concentration so he hit the road divider.

"The driver of the pickup did not concentrate on driving, so it hit the road divider. (Then) the pickup went off the track and then hit the Toyota Avanza from the opposite direction," said Nanda when confirmed, Wednesday, June 22.

There were no fatalities in the traffic accident incident. However, both vehicles suffered heavy damage.

"The Avanza Y driver and Avanza K and U passengers suffered minor injuries and were evacuated to Hermina Ciputat Hospital for medical assistance.

"There were no casualties in this incident," he said.

In addition, the traffic flow on the Ciputat flyover is experiencing a long traffic jam. Because the two vehicles covered one lane from both directions at that location.

"Yes, that's right (congestion) because the final position of the two vehicles each covered one lane from both directions. (But at this time) it took about an hour to evacuate," he concluded.