Please Pray After Being Examined As A Witness, Audy Item: Iko Uwais Is Not A Bad Person

JAKARTA - Audy Item attended the examination as a witness today, Tuesday, June 21. She was asked to give a statement after seeing the beating case involving her husband, Iko Uwais.

"We are trying our best. The best," said Audy Item on the same day.

Audy explained that there was no beating or beating as reported by Rudi. Iko Uwais is said to have carried out the attack because he wanted to defend himself and saw his brother being threatened.

"Here I emphasize that there was no beating or beating as reported by him," said Audy Item.

"And my husband is purely here, he is defending himself. Seeing his brother being threatened by Rudi, he finally defended himself," he continued.

Furthermore, Audy Item asked the public to pray for this problem to be resolved quickly. He believes that Iko Uwais is a good person, not as reported by the report.

"I ask all of my friends to pray for me, I know my husband, you also know what my husband is like. My husband is not a bad person. That's all. I ask my friends to pray for this problem to be cleared quickly," said Audy. .

"Anyway, as a wife, I really support anything, but we also pray to ask our friends to pray for this case so that it will be finished soon and well," concluded Audy.

Iko Uwais was first reported by Rudi for assaulting an interior design bill. It didn't take long, Iko Uwais reported back to Rudi Polda Metro Jaya for defamation.