DPR Ready To Evaluate New Trade Minister's Performance, Dasco: Zulhas Needs Adjustments, We Understand

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, confirmed that he would evaluate the work of the Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan, in stages. Although, Zulhas asked for one month to stabilize cooking oil prices in the archipelago. Dasco said that his party understands that as the new Minister of Trade Zulhas needs adjustments. "I think it's possible for the evaluation period to be ongoing, because the new trade minister will understand that," said Dasco at the DPR Building, Tuesday, June 21. However, continued Dasco, there must still be progress that the Ministry of Trade has been able to reduce food prices while continuing to be evaluated. "But also the demands of the people who ask for the prices of goods to be stabilized immediately are also realistic. Therefore, we ask for it while it is running, while being evaluated," he said. In addition, the Daily Chair of the Gerindra DPP also asked the new Trade Minister to find a formula to stabilize prices. "While adjusting Mr. Zulhas as the minister of trade, he can also look for a formula on how to stabilize the prices of goods," he said.

"We will ask for an evaluation and the solution can run in parallel," he added.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Marinves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan and Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan asked for one month for cooking oil prices to be evenly distributed throughout the region. The head of state asked that the price of cooking oil be affordable for all people.

"I asked the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, I also asked the new Minister of Trade this morning, (both) are still asking for two weeks to a month to be evenly distributed," Jokowi said during a plenary cabinet meeting at the State Palace, Monday, June 20.

"I think as soon as possible, we should try to achieve that price so that it is affordable for the lower class," he added.