In Cianjur, Beef Prices Crawled Up Due To Lack Of Supply

CIANJUR - Prices of beef and chicken at traditional markets in Cianjur, West Java, crept up to Rp140,000 per kilogram and chicken meat to Rp37,000 per kilogram, due to minimal supply at the agent and distributor level.

Head of UPTD Pasar Induk Pasirhayam Cianjur, Doni Wibowo in Cianjur, Monday, said the price of beef, which previously reached around Rp. 120,000 per kilogram, began to creep up in recent days.

"For chicken meat, from Rp. 35,000 to Rp. 37,000 per kilogram. The price increase is due to the lack of stock at the agent and distributor level. We estimate that the price of meat will increase again ahead of the celebration of the feast of sacrifice," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, 20 June.

Although this increase will not be soaring, his party has coordinated with the agency to hold market operations as an anticipation effort. Until now, the level of sales is still stable and the stock is sufficient until the feast of the sacrifice.

He also ensured that the limited supply of beef at the farmer level was due to the widespread cases of Nail and Mouth Disease (FMD). Meanwhile, the reduction in chicken meat production is due to the high price of feed.

A trader at the Pasar Induk Pasirhayam, Cianjur, said that meat sales are still normal, even increasing, even though prices are climbing. Traders also hope that the price increase will not soar, because it can affect the low sales.

"The stock is still safe even though the farmers are reducing production. Looking at the current price, it has not affected sales, which are still normal, 100 kilograms per day for chicken and 100 kilograms for beef," said meat trader at Pasar Induk Pasirhayam Cianjur, Andri Willy .