Proposes Ganjar Pranowo To Be A Presidential Candidate, NasDem Refuses To Be Called Tikung PDIP

JAKARTA - The NasDem Party has denied accusations of twisting the PDI-P because it mentioned Ganjar Pranowo's name as one of its proposals to be promoted as a presidential candidate in the 2024 Election. NasDem Party DPP chairman Willy Aditya views the accusation as a risk for his party because he announced Ganjar as one of the presidential candidates before forming a coalition. with political parties.

"No, not (cornering, ed). There are certainly a lot of assumptions. Things like that run the risk of NasDem announcing first," Willy told reporters, Monday, June 20.

Willy does not mind if the carrying of Ganjar is considered to hinder the potential of the NasDem and PDIP coalition going forward. Because according to Willy, the relationship between the General Chairperson of NasDem Surya Paloh and the Chairperson of the PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri, so far is still good.

"Yes, that's fine. Pak Surya and any character have a fine relationship. There are many meetings that don't need to be exposed. They also meet each other, chat with each other," he said.

Previously, the Governor of Central Java responded to the question of his name being one of the candidates for the presidential candidate from the NasDem Party. He emphasized that he highly respected the general chairman of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri. In fact, Ganjar has considered Megawati as her own parent whose advice and instructions will always be followed. Ganjar said that he would implement the recommendations and regulations that Megawati had set as the General Chair of the PDIP.

"I am a person who has been educated to be very respectful of parents, so I really respect parents, including my parents in the party. My parents are now dead, now my parents are Mrs. Mega," said Ganjar Pranowo.