Officers Reveal Cause Of Fire On 5th Floor Of Asabri Gedung Building

JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Sudin Gulkarmat) stated that the cause of the fire on the 5th floor, Asabri Building, Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo, Cawang Village, Kramatjati District, East Jakarta was caused by an electrical short circuit.

"The reason was an electrical short circuit. The object that caught fire was the computer room, on the 5th floor, the Asabri building. The object burned was an area of 4 x 4 square meters," said Head of the East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Head, Gatot Sulaeman, Sunday, June 19.

The fire was successfully localized at 07.47 WIB, then the end of the extinguishing process was at 09.13 WIB.

The fire was discovered by a technician who went around the area at around 07.00 WIB. Then he heard the alarm sound.

"The technician saw the MCFA which showed a fire on the 5th floor. Then he and security went to the scene with the fire extinguisher," he said.

As a result of the fire, the loss was estimated at Rp 200 million.

"The situation is under control. The blackout is complete," he said.