This Pregnant Woman Came All The Way To The PDI-P Party's School, Asking Her To Give Her Baby A Name

JAKARTA - The chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, was accused of giving a name by a pregnant woman named Puji Rahayu.

The moment occurred when Puan attended the Health Service Innovation Festival at the PDI-P DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta today, Saturday, June 18.

Initially, Puan explained, this event was held to embrace pregnant women and married couples who are ready to have children.

He explained the dangers of stunting or malnutrition. "All of this can be present here in the context of the PDI-P's event to overcome stunting," said Puan at the PDIP DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta, Saturday, June 18.

Next, Puan asked a pregnant woman to come on stage. A pregnant woman in a blue dress named Puji Rahayu then went on stage.

When she went on stage, Puan asked Puji about her pregnancy, which turned out to be nine months old and was the third child. Furthermore, the chairman of the PDIP DPP asked the pregnant woman about what foods should be consumed to prevent stunting.

"Eat protein, meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, drink pregnant milk, take vitamins," said Puji answering Puan's question.

Puan then confirmed Puji's answer. He then offered the pregnant woman, what gift she wanted.

While a little shy, Puji wanted Puan to bear the cost of giving birth. Moreover, this third child has the potential to not be born normally or to have surgery because Puji has a blood clotting condition.

"So what's the request? I didn't hear it," asked Puan to Puji.

"The birth is free," said Puji.

"Well, I'll pay for the birth. It will be taken care of by Mrs. Ning (Chairman of the DPP PDIP for Social Affairs and Disaster Management, Ribka Tjiptaning)," answered Puan.

Hearing Mrs.'s words, Puji was very happy. "Alhamdulillah, ma'am. It's true," he said.

"Why is this true? It's time for me to look like a lie," said Puan.

"You're all getting a present, ma'am," Puji said shyly.

"Well, I said earlier that there was only one request," said Puan.

Puan then invited Puji and her two children to take a picture together.

He also gave Puji Rp. 1 million in cash from his trouser pocket.

"This is sustenance for her son, ma'am. Let's count it," said Puan.

"Matursuwun, thank you ma'am," said Puji.

"Praise's mother is in good health, God willing, until her child is born healthy," answered Puan.

Before getting off the stage, Puji again asked Puan to name the child she was carrying.

"Ma'am, what name would you like to name my child?" he asked.

"Later. The important thing is that the child is born healthy. Later, through Mrs. Ribka Tjptaning, I will give her name. God willing. The important thing is that the birth is healthy," answered Puan.

"Thank you ma'am," Puji answered before getting off the stage.

PDI-P held a Health Service Innovation Festival in order to welcome the month of Soekarno or Bung Karno. This activity is open to cadres and the community, especially pregnant women.

PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said community participation was important to prevent stunting.

Not only that, PDI-P is aware of its role in improving the quality of life of the people in accordance with the 1945 Constitution.

"Fulfillment of nutrition for toddlers is very important for the sustainability of the nation," said Hasto.

This activity will be filled with a number of resource persons, including stunting counseling by the Head of the BKKBN Hasto Wardoyo and a stunting prevention food product campaign by the Head of BRIN Laksana Tri Handoko.

Next, there was also a demonstration of cooking a healthy menu to overcome stunting by the Deputy Mayor of Semarang Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu. The total participants who took part were estimated at 500 pregnant women, babies under two years old, and 250 prospective brides and grooms.