Questioning The Cabinet Reshuffle, PDI-P Politicians Satisfied The Minister Of Trade Replaced

JAKARTA - Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) politician Ono Surono said he was satisfied with the change of ministers during President Joko Widodo's cabinet reshuffle, Wednesday, June 15.

According to him, the previous Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi had become a concern because of the scarcity and high price of cooking oil.

It is known that Jokowi has reshuffled two ministers. First, the Chairman of PAN Zulkifli Hasan as the Minister of Trade replaced M Lutfi.

Second, former TNI Commander Hadi Tjahjanto as Minister of ATR/BPN replaced Sofyan Djalil.

"You have to be satisfied. There is a portrait of the satisfaction survey on the president's performance in terms of the economy, when cooking oil rose and cooking oil was scarce. So when the new face of the Minister of Trade, we hope (Indonesia as a country) produces the largest palm oil in the world, (but ) is still difficult to migrate at an expensive price. This is my hope," said Ono in a discussion entitled 'Dramaturgy Reshuffle' online, Saturday, June 18.

Ono admitted that the cabinet reshuffle was the president's prerogative. However, he believes the names appointed have gone through a balance to help the president work at the end of his term.

"In principle, Pak Jokowi wants the rest of his work to give the best for the people. Including me, it's really hard when cooking oil goes up, cooking oil is scarce. The Trade Minister (indeed) must be reshuffled," he said.

"I am personally happy that Pak Jokowi also heard what the people were complaining about, and this is a great hope that the results of this reshuffle can be proven by doing better work," he continued.

Questioning the majority of ministers and deputy ministers from political parties, not professionals, Ono assessed that Jokowi had his own commitment to his cabinet.

Most importantly, he said, whoever is appointed as a minister in the cabinet must be able to work.

"Between political parties and non-political parties, there is a commitment that was built with Mr. Jokowi. Surely anyone to be able to work as a minister does not have to specifically look at the elements of political parties but has the ability, track record and good performance so that it is not from political parties, it's the same," he explained. .

Moreover, added Ono, even non-political parties may not be purely professional. But it is also a political party endorsement.

"Who is really a pure professional? If I have to be honest, for example, I believe that many political parties have endorsed professionals," said Ono Surono.